Treatment Intervention Inventory-Juvenile

Two Test Administrative Options:

The Treatment Intervention Inventory-Juvenile (TII-Juvenile) can be administered in two ways.

  1. Over the Internet. The TII-Juvenile is also available over the Internet on our online testing platform Tests can be purchased one at a time, or in any quantity desired. Tests are available 24/7.
  2. On 3 1/2” diskettes or USB flash drives. Diskettes or USB flash drives come pre-loaded with 25 or 50 tests, whichever the test user prefers. Visit for more information.

Whether tests are on diskettes, USB flash drives or provided online (over the Internet), TII-Juvenile reports look the same (format), are computer scored, and are evidence-based.

The goal from the beginning, has been to develop practical, helpful and psychometrically sound instruments, or tests. Practical, in the sense that the TII-Juvenile can be completed in a reasonable amount of time; helpful, in terms of providing useful information; and psychometrically sound, with regard to reliability, validity and accuracy.

Behavior Data Systems, Ltd.
P.O. Box 44256
Phoenix, Arizona 85064-4256

Telephone: 1 (800) 231-2401